A native plant project dedicated to restore desert parks and preserves.
What happens on natural open spaces after a fire? Or after the removal of invasive species?
Using native plants in restoration can often be difficult because there simply aren’t enough locally available and genetically appropriate seeds or plants to replace in our desert parks and preserves.
Sonoran Seed Collaborative is a native plant project dedicated to restoring our desert parks and preserves. We aim to grow, test and find the best practices for propagating species of native Sonoran Desert plants to harvest for seeds for future restoration projects on public lands, parks and preserves in our area.
This project started in 2018 by the Central Arizona Conservation Alliance, the Arizona Columbine Garden Club, Tovrea Carraro Society, Arizona Native Plant Society, and Desert Botanical Garden as a jumping off point to a regional network of local growers of native seeds and plants for conservation.
We are currently working with Carianne Campbell from Strategic Habitat Enhancements, who has over 20 years of experience in natural resources documentation and planning throughout the southwestern U.S. and northwestern Mexico.
Take a look at our most recent progress. We are grateful for the support of the Tovrea Carraro Society for facilitating and supporting this project, as well as donating volunteer time.
Thank you also to Kara Barron of the Gila Watershed Partnership for her help with propagating plants and consulting on the project.